This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

CMS DAS Luminosity Short Exercise: Setup

Installation of BRIL Work Suite (brilws)


This exercise is meant to be run from

Install brilws

The --user flag will install brilws binaries to "${HOME}/.local/bin/" and libraries to "${HOME}/.local/lib/"


It’s always a good idea to include the --upgrade flag.
If your brilcalc installation stops working, running the command below will fix it in 99% of cases.

/cvmfs/ -m pip install --user --upgrade brilws
Processing ./.cache/pip/wheels/c8/76/af/24ad46bc1e6d1d927aba8c36e194f0e7514533b92455d29394/brilws-3.6.8-cp37-none-any.whl
Collecting brilws
  Downloading brilws-3.8.2.tar.gz (54 kB)
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Building wheels for collected packages: brilws
  Building wheel for brilws ( ... done
  Created wheel for brilws: filename=brilws-3.8.2-py3-none-any.whl size=64908 sha256=3cf887498de2f01b12cba517811ff391dc33054ed21efb1b4a38dff8dc17925c
  Stored in directory: /afs/
Successfully built brilws
Installing collected packages: brilws
Successfully installed brilws-3.8.2

Verify brilws pip info

/cvmfs/ -m pip show brilws
Name: brilws
Version: 3.8.2
Summary: bril worksuite
Author: Zhen Xie
License: MIT
Location: /afs/

Check brilcalc installation location

command -v brilcalc

Check brilcalc version

brilcalc --version

Troubleshooting brilws and brilcalc

In case of trouble, brilws can be uninstalled and reinstalled:

/cvmfs/ -m pip uninstall -y brilws
/cvmfs/ -m pip install --user --upgrade brilws
~/.local/bin/brilcalc --version

If this doesn’t work, the "${HOME}/.local/" area may need to be cleaned up by hand:

rm -iv "${HOME}/.local/bin/bril"*
rm -rv "${HOME}/.local/lib/python"*"/site-packages/brilws"*
/cvmfs/ -m pip install --user --upgrade brilws
~/.local/bin/brilcalc --version

If things are still broken, a “private” brilconda3-based virtual environment can be set up (see “bonus Python tips” below):

/cvmfs/ -m venv --system-site-packages "${HOME}/.local/brilconda310"
source "${HOME}/.local/brilconda310/bin/activate"
python3 -m pip install --upgrade brilws
~/.local/brilconda310/bin/brilcalc --version

Set Up brilcalc from Container Image in lxplus

On lxplus, a container image is provided to give a simple access to the brilcalc software for all users. This implementation is in an experimental stage. It should work without issues, in some cases, it will print warnings regarding the use of outdated python functions (these can be ignored). In case of problems or inconsistent results, brilcalc should be used via setting up the brilconda environment, as described above. Feedback about the container image is welcome, and can be sent to the LUM POG conveners.

source /cvmfs/

The first time the command is run on a node, it can take a bit longer because the files first have to be downloaded in cvmfs.