This lesson is being piloted (Beta version)

CMS DAS Luminosity Short Exercise

Delivered luminosity versus time for 2015-2018 (pp data only)

This exercise introduces the concept of luminosity and details the way in which it is measured and calibrated at CMS.
Brilcalc and other useful tools are introduced in a set of hands-on exercises to highlight their role in the context of CMS physics analyses.


CMS DAS Pre-Exercises


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is luminosity?
What is the difference between instantaneous and integrated luminosity?
Why is knowing the luminosity important?
How is luminosity measured?
00:40 2. Using brilcalc What tools are available to query the delivered and recorded luminosity?
01:10 3. Normtags and Data Certification What is a normtag?
What is data certification?
01:40 4. [OPTIONAL] brilcalcpandas What tools are available to query the delivered and recorded luminosity?
Is there a more convenient way to query brilcalc and organize its response?
02:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.